wholesome homemade delicious

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Yummy in My Tummy

As your baby goes from infant to toddler his/her growth will slow considerably (this is normal). Trying to find healthy food options can be difficult, especially since your toddler is now exercising free will and may want to choose his own food. Try offering a variety of healthy foods at each snack or meal time. I have put together a list that may come in handy.

 PB&J Pinwheels

Substitute a wrap instead of bread and cut into slices

Veggie Fries
preheat oven to 500 degrees

Peel sweet potato and turnips and cut into slices. Spread veggies on a baking sheet and lightly coat with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Bake for 20-25 minutes turning occasionally with tongs.

Yogurt and Graham Dippers

1 cup of plain or vanilla yogurt. Mix in a tbsp of honey and serve with Graham crackers for dipping.

English Muffin Pizza
preheat broiler

Slice English muffin in half. Put one slice of tomato on each half and cover with cheese of your choice. Put under broiler until cheese is melted.

Apple Dippers

Slice apples. Put 1/2 cup of peanut butter and 1 tbsp. of syrup in a microwave safe bowl and nuke for 10 seconds. Mix and serve.

Fruit Skewers

Simply cut fruit of your choice and put on skewers. Who doesn't like food on a stick?!

Frozen Grapes
(just as it sounds)
Cut grapes into halves or quarters 

Banana Popsicles

Dip banana in yogurt, roll in crushed oats, and freeze

Please always keep in mind your child's allergies before offering snacks


  1. I am a pediatrician and love your website overall.
    Don't want to be critical but please remember that whole grapes (frozen or not) are huge choking hazard for toddlers and children, not to be given unless cut into quarters. Also, any type of peanut or tree nut should not be given in any form (like peanut butter) until after the first year at least (if not longer) because of the risk for creating life long sensitivities to.
    Also, no honey in the first year of life because of the risk of botulism.
    Hope this helps!

  2. Thank you for posting! I really appreciate any input. I will add to cut the grapes. I did, however, put in small print on the bottom of the post to keep in mind all allergies. I will make it bigger. Thanks Again!
